Dean Martin

Dean Martin


Thursday, June 7, 1917


Monday, December 25, 1995

Dean Martin Albums

Dino's Christmas#602025
Icon: Dino's Christmas#892024
A Winter Romance#972023
The Dean Martin Christmas Album#212019
Forever Cool#392007
Dino: The Essential Dean Martin#282004

Dean Martin Singles

Baby It's Cold Outside [seasonal]#362020
Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow [seasonal]#72018

When viewing the data, keep in mind that it starts on February 12, 1977, using the Hot 100 and Billboard 200 charts.
Album data is mostly from the top 50 of the album chart, but also includes the top 100 from Feb 12, 1977- Sep 26, 1981 & Nov 27, 2021 - present.