The Heights is a fictional band from the TV show of the same name that aired in 1992. "How Do You Talk To An Angel" became the theme song for the show, hit number one, and was sung by cast member Jamie Walters.
The Heights
The Heights Albums
The Heights Singles
How Do You Talk To An Angel | #1 | 1992 |
When viewing the data, keep in mind that it starts on February 12, 1977, using the Hot 100 and Billboard 200 charts.
Album data is mostly from the top 50 of the album chart, but also includes the top 100 from Feb 12, 1977- Sep 26, 1981 & Nov 27, 2021 - present.
Album data is mostly from the top 50 of the album chart, but also includes the top 100 from Feb 12, 1977- Sep 26, 1981 & Nov 27, 2021 - present.